Well, after taking a week off for family time, it's time to get our noses back to the grind. Here are some updates on a few things that are currently in the works. For those of you who are a fan of the "Billy Mays-Birth of a Salesman" cartoon, we have started writing the second part although this one promises to be a bit of a depature from the first. We have taken to heart many of the criticisms that held the first one back and are looking to improve upon it. Gone of course, is the hated narrator. We aren't sure at this stage if there will even be a narrator to move the story along.
Another series of toons that we will be putting out are Frightened Children shorts that will be around a minute long. Expect these to be released in between larger projects. I may be enlisting the help of a second animator in order to lighten the work load a bit, but that just depends on how hectic school is this semster.
For you horror fans, we are working on an adaptation of a couple Richard Matheson short stories. And no, "I am Legend" isn't one of them. An outside writer will be helping us along to ensure that this project is as close to Matheson's vision as humanly possible. They are lesser known stories out of the immense Matheson collection, but they are nothing short of briliant.
One last thing, the website should be up and running soon. We are tweaking some of the art work and layout for the website. Thanks again newgrounds for the support!